I am David Dibble and I Guide, Coach and Train Transformational Leaders in 3D DreamWork.

We do this through Dream Assignments, asking our Inner Wisdom what it wants us to know and receiving perfect guidance in a dream. We believe and DreamWork has proved to be the most powerful transformative practice on the planet.


I am one of only two dream experts who understand 3D DreamWork.

I have been coaching, training and practicing 3D DreamWork for more than 30 years.

I have written the only two books published on DreamWork

I was with don Miguel Ruiz for eight years and incorporated The Four Agreements into DreamWork.

I absolutely love to see people’s lives transform out of DreamWork.

My Work

What to expect when you work with me:

You will become a more aware and evolved person.
You will be more skilled in initiating and sustaining needed change.
You will improve the quality of your relationships at home and at work.
You will heal and complete past traumas.
You will learn to laugh more and cry less.
You will know exactly what to do when things go wrong.

Train You To:

Do Dream Assignments
Understand the Meaning of Your Dreams
Take Right Action on the Guidance of the Inner Wisdom
Significantly Improve Relationships
Heal and Complete Past Traumas
Grow Spiritually


Ready to make radical, lasting changes, but don’t know where or how to start.

Tired of doing the same things, producing the same poor results.

Know your dreams are telling you something important, but don’t know what it is.